In November 2014 I had
the pleasure to participate in the training course: "Game, SET, Matching”
– Sport as an Educational Tool-, that was organised by the Polish and French
European agency of Erasmus+, with the cooperation of the Georgian Youth office.
My personal experience was a good and satisfactory one, but the most important
is the results of this course.
This training course was around the idea that sports
are part of both intangible heritage and daily life, and they are a symbol of
the cultural diversity, richness of our societies. The proposal was to share experiences
from all countries represented and to reflect about sports, as a tool for
empowering intercultural understanding, and used in several projects in among
the different phases of the training. Sportive projects are also efficient
means to convey values of solidarity, diversity, inclusiveness and cultural
awareness. Moreover, sports reflect on different cultural expressions, and
create a bridge between regional cultures for a better mutual comprehension and
dialogue. One of the most important goals of all the trainings courses, in the
Erasmus+ program, is the contribution for build new alliances in the field of
the non-formal education between Ngos. In this case was building networks about
the sport and the non-formal education.
Like in others trainings
courses, the participants try to make good partners for future projects, and
connections that allow implementing a new project, but the experience shows
that after not always is so easy. Factors like: the distance between the
partners, the cultural differences, the come back again to the local work and
in special the difficult to find the exact point of connectivity between
different partners. After the training course "Game, SET, Matching”, we
can check that the expectation was achieved, arriving to the conclusion that
one of the most important targets it was achieved was the building of new
partnership between the participants. In the analysing of the reasons to arrive
to this conclusion, we can find
some essential factors:
* The quality of the
program. It’s necessary to organize a training course that really connects with
the goals and the participants' expectations. And it’s
also very important to build a connection between the targets and propositions to
articulate the
contents with real examples.
* The professionalism of
the training team. The leaders who organize the training must have two
important skills: - know very well the specific field of the knowledge that
they must transfer, in this case were, games & sports. They must know
connecting theory and practice experience. In the second place, they must have
a complete background in the field of the non-formal education.
* The selection process
to choose the Ngos and the participants in the training course. Erasmus+ is a
powerful call and field of opportunities, unfortunately as defect sometimes
attracts participants without real Ngos, it means without contact in their
local community, and without memberships. Fortunately, in this training course
the participants were chosen between ngos with a real compromise in their local
communities, and people with a motivation in the theme of the training course,
and with compromise for implement these knowledges after the course.
After "Game, SET,
Matching”, appeared different networking projects among participants and their
ngos. I know about successful projects of my colleagues after this training
course, but now I want to explain about some experiences where I was involved.
Nike, September 2015.
Erasmus+ + KA1 activity. Training course. Made in Badalona, Catalonia/Spain for
the ngo La Rotllana. 25 participants between professionals.volunteers and
leaders from 10 countries.
The main aims were: how
to use the sport and non-formal education to give chance to youngster with
fewer opportunities, how to use the sport to create friendship relations
between communities. The main topics that were worked during the workshops were:
How to use the sport like a tool for growing up. How to promote the sport in
the non-formal education, in a proprietary and different way of the sport like
a consume product.. How to promote the paradigm about the sports, where the
most important thing must be the participants. How to work with the sports disciplines
as only a tool to work in the educative way by the behaviours and values
between children, teenagers and youngsters.
“Sport4life”- November 2015. Euromed activity. Training
course, made in Hammamet, Tunisia. 24 participants between professionals,
volunteers, and sport leaders, from 6 different countries. Organized by ATUPRET (Tunisian Association for the Prevention of
Drug Addiction) of Stax
The training course
developed three types of activities: various sports (rugby, volleyball, hiking,
climbing), theoretical workshops on techniques and practices of non-formal
education through sport and intercultural activities (intercultural night,
visit of Tunisia).The main goals of the activities were fighting against
stereotypes and prejudices and promoting social inclusion, equality of
opportunity, diversity and gender equality. Moreover, sport is an educational
tool that allows us to use innovative methods and practices in daily activities
to create a more dynamic, active and professional environment in associations.
But the effects of
"Game, SET, Matching” don’t finish here. At this moment one training
course, KAS, "Korfbal All Start" is waiting for the response, to be
done during this 2016. It will be a training course to promote the Korfball
sport, like a non-formal education tool, because this sport is based in play
totally in the team and in the gender balance. KAS’ aim is to promote the
Korfball between countries who never used before this sport discipline
Another proposal of work
in progress is “Mercurius”. This project will be a network through Sport
preparing for 2016-2017. Maybe will be one of the most complete experience,
with one network of 20 countries and a lot of propositions for promoting the
sport in the non-formal education, like exceptional tool for social inclusion.
Youth exchanges, job-shadowing, training course for trainers, seminars, etc.
will be some of the activities.
All this experiences show to us that
the sport is a powerful tool for the growth and development of children,
teenagers, and youngsters. One exceptional and motivating device that must be
used for educating in values, before of promoting the competitiveness and the
target of the winner. Maybe for a long time the sport forgets that his reason
has been at the service of the people and the communities, not the reverse. The
sport isn't being competition only, are valour’s of health, and like we saw
during this international activity, an important tool to help the children,
teenagers and youngsters to grow up, and feel the community. The sport activity
is good for the social inclusion, for building bridges between the communities,
for close relationships between equals or also between generations. One of the
nicest opportunities for making a meet of the cultural diversity to talk the
same language. Nothing will be done without any effort, the work is long and
strong in these social moments but is the match that we decide to play.
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