buna dominatza,
Students, Colleagues, University Authorities,
friends, prieteni
for the invitation to be here in this special day for you, and my sincere
apologies to cannot express in your beautiful Romanian language.
scuze sincer
pentru că nu pot vorbi limba română.
a good friend asked to me I will tell you
something simple but honest from the heart and after having met you.
I have the pleasant and honorable mission to explain something about the
relation of my NGO (La Rotllana- From Badalona city, close of Barcelona,
Catalonia) with your University, and trust me when I talk to you, that is it a
great responsibility for me, but also one honor.
this special and historic day, when your faculty makes 25 years old, for me is
important to thank you, to say to you mulțumesc. And maybe you are asking to yourself for why?
Only give me some minutes and I will explain it.
want give to you, in my name, but in the representation of my NGO, LA Rotllana
, and in the name of the social educators from Catalonia the thanks,
mulțumesc, for: Your different
contributions to the history of the social work of your country; and , for your contributions to the social
work in my country and in my city.
meet your country before you were European Union member, and also I was in
Timis so many times from then till now. In this 20 years I have been able to
observe too much changes in Timisoara and in the social life of your community.
Maybe for you is more complicate to see this change, but for me, from this
distance position, I can appreciate it very well. Of course this positive change
was possible for the teaching of your professors, the effort and the compromise
of the university, and the passion and illusion of the students.So
let me repeat congratulations, FELICITARI for your contribution to make
Timisoara more human, your country more modern, and let me give my special
FELICITARE for your contribution to help growing up better persons for a better
was talking also about your contribution in my culture, in my city, and my ngo.
Please, let me again a few minutes for resume some of the most important.
want give to you the mulțumesc for spread your enthusiastic spirit in the
social work, you really transfer to us this passion for take care of the
people, take care of the copii, tineri, youth people, and the society in
general. Definitely we have learnt from you a lot of skills, tools and metrologies
for work in the social field.I
want to give to you the thanks too, for your nice task like ambassadors of
Rumania in our country. Thanks to this, we discover a lost Latin brothers and
sisters. Now we can appreciate the rich of your heritage, culture and human
the most important contribution from you in our personal and professional life
was to share your human values, thanks to the students who through PROIMPACT ngo
where in Spain, invite to us in
Timisoara. We shared a lot of projects, Juntos, Legaturi, Inima Buna, and
others and others projects that we have make together. In this experience you
teach to us your Romanian spirit of overcoming.
to finish my intervention, I want to say to you something in my mother language.
Desitjo que després d’alguns anys de distancia en la
nostra relació, per obligacions locals, puguem un altre vegada restablir la
nostra cooperació per tornar a cooperar, tornar a donar, rebre, i compartir la
nostra professió i els nostres valors
per contribuir a un mon millor amb persones més felices. mulțumesc
I hope that after some years with some distance for our local obligation, we
can restart this close cooperation to give, take and share our profession and
our values to make a better and more human world.)
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